الأربعاء، 17 أبريل 2013

Deir el-Bahari temple

Deir el-Bahari temple
Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut's funerary temple is a special characterWas built Deir el-Bahari temple in the 16th year of the reign of Queen "Hatshepsut"- Around 1485 BC. AD.Was designed and built by her architect "die", and we find that the engineer die may quote a lot of Temple King "Montuhotep II" next to him, and took him thought the temple runway.He notes that the die may put a picture of him behind each section of this temple is the worship of the gods.
Hatshepsut Temple consists of three layers descent.Has removed die "temple of the king" Amenhotep the first "and another small temple of the 11th Dynasty to establish this temple put Kan stone in the seventh year of the reign of Queen" Hatshepsut ".The Zain road that starts from the door of the temple in the east to a distance of 500 m until the door of the last statues of sphinxes in the form of Queen Hatshepsut on both sides.
It was the hallway bottom decorated with such statues, but "Thutmose III" أزالها afterwards where he found parts of them, and found the statues of the Queen in the form of Osiris, "one of them at the end of the hallway downstairs and another in the hallway upper where he was by the full row of these statues, has been portrayed Queen in the form of a lion with a beard and photographed also a step enemies بقدميها (which did not happen) .. It also found the remains of more than 120 statues representing the Queen in the form of the Sphinx, but we did not find any one of them sound has not been assembling even a statue of one because of the distracting parts shattered by order "Thutmose III."

Puntland campaign

Puntland campaign engraved on the wall that divides the upper hallway, and the beginning of the scene right scene we see Idol "Amon" sitting.The main purpose of the campaign is to bring aromatic trees to be planted at the its maritime monastery temple in addition to myrrh which uses incense and bring ivory and ebony, leopard skins and gold bulls, monkeys and reptiles and resin and precious metals.
The mastermind of the trip priest Affairs Azam "Hebbo the SNP" and put at the head of the campaign Prime Treasury "Nhasi" has consisted of five large sailing ships.
Has recorded the details of that trip and posted on the walls of the Temple of Deir el-Bahari said that the campaign returned in the ninth year of the reign of "Hatshepsut"

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  2. ياريت يكون موجود مش زي باقي الفيديوهات اللي اتشالت
