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الأربعاء، 17 أبريل 2013

Deir el-Bahari temple

Deir el-Bahari temple
Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut's funerary temple is a special characterWas built Deir el-Bahari temple in the 16th year of the reign of Queen "Hatshepsut"- Around 1485 BC. AD.Was designed and built by her architect "die", and we find that the engineer die may quote a lot of Temple King "Montuhotep II" next to him, and took him thought the temple runway.He notes that the die may put a picture of him behind each section of this temple is the worship of the gods.
Hatshepsut Temple consists of three layers descent.Has removed die "temple of the king" Amenhotep the first "and another small temple of the 11th Dynasty to establish this temple put Kan stone in the seventh year of the reign of Queen" Hatshepsut ".The Zain road that starts from the door of the temple in the east to a distance of 500 m until the door of the last statues of sphinxes in the form of Queen Hatshepsut on both sides.
It was the hallway bottom decorated with such statues, but "Thutmose III" أزالها afterwards where he found parts of them, and found the statues of the Queen in the form of Osiris, "one of them at the end of the hallway downstairs and another in the hallway upper where he was by the full row of these statues, has been portrayed Queen in the form of a lion with a beard and photographed also a step enemies بقدميها (which did not happen) .. It also found the remains of more than 120 statues representing the Queen in the form of the Sphinx, but we did not find any one of them sound has not been assembling even a statue of one because of the distracting parts shattered by order "Thutmose III."

Puntland campaign

Puntland campaign engraved on the wall that divides the upper hallway, and the beginning of the scene right scene we see Idol "Amon" sitting.The main purpose of the campaign is to bring aromatic trees to be planted at the its maritime monastery temple in addition to myrrh which uses incense and bring ivory and ebony, leopard skins and gold bulls, monkeys and reptiles and resin and precious metals.
The mastermind of the trip priest Affairs Azam "Hebbo the SNP" and put at the head of the campaign Prime Treasury "Nhasi" has consisted of five large sailing ships.
Has recorded the details of that trip and posted on the walls of the Temple of Deir el-Bahari said that the campaign returned in the ninth year of the reign of "Hatshepsut"

An article about the Scorpion King

Outweigh the majority opinion that the king or leader "Scorpio" is the penultimate king in the family zero and who revealed to him about the effects of such predecessors leaders accepted them yet.
And but more than his predecessor King "Ka" and less about the effects of his successor, "Narmer" and suggests the student after the monitoring and analysis of the documentation era Maaqbil families that there is a leader of scorpion one, not two leaders, Scorpio first and Scorpio II, as some believe, it is placed Scorpio first _ According to this view _ as one of the leaders of the family, which called "family double zero" or dynsty 00, so to speak, and chroniclingThe beginning of the third era Nakada (3200-3150) and then attributing this cemetery leader "uj" that have been discovered in am Aldjaab and were similar to the royal palace in planning, while attributing the ownersThis theory scorpion second Almqama that the disclosed in  - Koum Red", and make it one of the kings of the family zero.
Here, researcher finds that there are no angels, but it is a different one king and is one of the leaders of the family zero and this has played an important role during the King family zero in order to reach unity of Egypt to this the effects of appearance in the north, although the southern origin.
Perhaps the emergence of idol (six) god of the city of Nagada on Mqmath big two may suggest that he was a follower of this god and that he had success between him and the idol main then "Horus" god  where he is the idol taken by the leaders of the family zero  them during  about North the sake of unity, and so it has taken by the King, "Scorpio" above  of, as the name did not enter it this idol leaders like "Alligator" and "Ka" and "Narmer" the.
The evidence material discovered, due to the reign of this king confirms that his reign was an important period in the transformation of civilization's rapid period of pre-dynastic period in terms of the appearance of authority figures (quotation flail and) and the legitimacy of the king through Tksh discipline enemies as well as to the idea of ​​belonging to Idol heads are judged under the banner as established in the custody of the beginning of the Royal Institution and attributes symbols كإرتداء the crown of the North and the South for the first time and the emergence of dual monarchy,And the celebration of love and create a dam temples and has extended Sultan Scorpio until Northeast Delta Some even see it and access to the south of Palestine.

Phantom doors from the Egyptian Museum

Phantom doors from the Egyptian Museum

Phantom doors unreality we heard about a lot of talk, but she was in order to enter and spirit is gone out here will introduce models of the Doors, one of the Egyptian Museum

Placebo door to Nicaora that imaginary door of the deceased can contact the world of the living and receive food and offerings and prayers, was found in the tomb of Nicaora judge and official missions and managing director of the palace. The cemetery consists of burial chambers and chapels for him and his wife, Aahat and their son. And this comes in at the door of his cabin Aahat which was a priestess of Hathor, which filmed in the middle of the window, accompanied by their names and titles. And shows Nicaora with his wife in front of a long list of offerings on the upper lintel of the door.

In the bottom of the view images Nicaora and his wife inside the window and before them an offering table, the two sides shows son and daughter carrying birds for submission to the parents. In the inner part of the existing Aahat portrayed her husband on the left and on the right wearing the uniforms of the priests, accompanied by their son and Bnthma. In the lower part shows four sons naked, and show characteristic tuft hair for children on both sides of their faces, as each of them carries a bird.

And on the left of the door, see Aahat embracing the her mother Hetepheres. On the right you inhale Abeer lotus flower. At the bottom of the left side we find the singers and guitarist runaway, either down the other side we see priests and priestesses of burning incense or **** Sun some rituals. Dimensions Width 235 cm Height 227 cm
Section of the cemetery SnndjemDoor of Cemetery Snndjem, I stumbled on this wooden door in the city of Deir year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six AD. The importance back to landscapes painted on it.
Where we see the façade and interior, dismissal picture number seventeen, from the Book of the Dead, depicts a scene Sndjem sitting with his wife under the umbrella of the branches of the tree, which plays cents. It was for this game very popular among Egyptians, as well as religious influence on the deceased in the afterlife. Dimensions, 78 cm width,Height 135 cm

Imaginary door to IcaRespect to this false door person named Ica, which was running a royal priest function antiseptic and head of the Big House and known to the king. His wife II - Merritt priestess of Hathor. The false door consists of fourteen unique piece of wood collected and linked together wooden بخوابير and leather thongs.

The top panel depicts a scene to Ica sitting with his wife to the offering table stacked symbols of any field and good food has been put underneath many of the symbols of the offerings.And on قائمى the door like a Leica on the left, and III Merritt - on the right, a smell lotus flower and بصحبتهما their children. On the East cavity door placebo Ica appears accompanied by his eldest son.We note in this magnificent artwork accuracy of the details hieroglyphs and Adamic carved faces in wood. Dimensions, width 150 cm, height 200 cm

Imaginary door to a person named AshtiThis false door is decorated views appear Ashti sitting next to an offering table on a chair without a back, has overwhelmed the table rows of loaves of bread arranged vertically. The false door allows Ba Luca deceased, any vital spirit and strength or guardian spirit to receive offerings and hear the prayers neighborhoods.

Here we see Ashti wearing the necklace and tasted a small wig, as Phelps, we find two other people pry facility. And on the upper lintel engraved door offering formula Hotep - de - NSW for Ashti as engraving his name and titles. Dimensions W 64 cm, height 116

Imaginary door to ببى - SNPPhantom doors began to emerge in Egyptian tombs after the end of the third family. The false door is a door Ramzy connection allows Ba Luca deceased, any vital spirit and strength or guardian spirit to always be in touch with the world of the living to receive offerings and hear the prayers.And adorns the top of this Egyptian false door Corniche. And down the Corniche, we see in the window of the writer sight Royal ببى - SNP has sat down at the offering table overcrowded.
And on the upper lintel of the door engraved Formula offerings Hotep - de - Nassau, Ki to ensure Mtouky access on eternal offerings. And shows ببى - SNP holding a long stick denote the dart, and dressed in a kilt, necklace and a short wig. Height 116 cm
The placebo Ltb door - M - AnkhThe placebo Ltb door - M - Ankh, holder of Upper Egypt seals in the family of five through reign of King Userkaf, composed of Attaban - or exhibitors - Hjrien the horizontal; Edadtan تحيطان down in the middle. And allows the door of the deceased placebo entry and exit to and from the cemetery, and to receive offerings and hear the prayers and the prayers of the living. The upper panel shows of the tomb owner was sitting door to the offering table there under various forms is a list of offerings. There on Aledadtan fees perception of his children, or his followers, carrying sticks. Dimensions, height 290 cm

Imaginary door for "Ptah - Hotep"Imaginary door with beautiful decorations of stone from the tomb of "Ptah - Hotep," which was a minister and chairman of the judges in the middle of the reign of the Fifth Dynasty.It seems sitting in Koh between عتبتين the horizontal is a set of stones form the beam above the door, in front of a table by the amount of a multitude of offerings has dug his name and his position on the cylinder attached to the door used to open Wata entrance curtains.
The inscription on the doorpost - vertical stents - the list of gifts and offerings, which must be received in the future and in the bottom of each cavity seems dead in an upright position and advanced the left foot forward, carrying some of the things in the hands of a piece of fabric in the other hand. He wears "Ptah Hotep" short kilt and has a small beard.Dimensions, height 225 cm